[please contact Ross Beattie for further details of this vessel, especially if you have any corrections or additional information]
This Page was Last Updated on 19th December 2014

Ship class A1. C1, D2. (c1820); Æ1 (1840…1843),
720 - 750 tons (1812

Broxbornebury - Convict transport & passengers 1814; England to Australia:

The large Thames-built Broxbornebury departed London on 22 February 1814 in the company of the Surrey, which was to attract great public and official attention. The Broxbornebury embarked 120 female convicts (of whom two died in transit) plus passengers and merchandise; her master was Thomas Pitcher Jr. and her surgeon Colin McLachlan. The Surrey, which had sailed with 200 male prisoners, separated from the Broxbornebury early in the voyage, calling at Rio on 12 April with typhus aboard. Departing Rio on 21 April with the typhus becoming more virulent, the Surrey was off Shoalhaven in late July when the Broxbornebury rejoined her. The Broxbornebury sent a volunteer to navigate the Surrey into Port Jackson, the latter's crew having been decimated by the disease. Arriving in Sydney on 27 July 1814, after a voyage of 156 days, the Broxbornebury's passengers were disembarked on the 28th, and proceedings completed by 1 August .

Aboard the Broxbornebury as free settlers came Jane Cross and her children William, Ralph and Jane Cross; her husband Robert Cross was a convict aboard the Surrey. Also aboard the Broxbornebury was free settler John Horsley, with whom Jane Cross (Robert's wife) started a life-long dalliance which produced eight children; she is buried next to whom at Liverpool as Jane Horsley. [Horsley left a wife, Maria Champion Crespigny, in England. Maria was the fourth-great grandaunt of Anne Young [pers comm, 19 February 2012] who is researching Maria's lineage [rf Anne's blog par excellence]. Anne noted that Maria, born 1776, had married Horsley in 1804 at St George's, Canterbury, and after Horsley's departure to New South Wales in 1814, Maria did not remarry: the 1841 census shews Maria at Littleham, Devon; Maria died on in 1858, late of Canterbury, Kent. Horsley eventually became a Coroner at Liverpool, NSW]. John Stilwell and Jane Jones were two convicts transportees aboard the Broxbornebury in 1814. Jane Jones had previously embarked the transport Emu which sailed on 12 November 1812, was captured by American pirates and off-loaded with others in the Cape Verde islands, returned to England in October 1813 and was dispatched again on the larger Broxbornebury on 22 February 1814; she met fellow convict John Stilwell on board]. Among other free settler on the Broxbornebury was Sir John Jamison; Jane Jones was assigned to work for him on arrival in Sydney. The Broxbornebury departed Port Jackson for Batavia on 16 November with 300 tons of coal.

The Broxbornebury was sailing (for Quebec) under the East India Company's red and white striped ensign in 1832 and 1833 when the Company lost its privileged position in Canton.

Source(s): Lloyd's Registers; Ship's Log (1859).

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If you have any queries about this vessel, or information to add, please eMail
Ross Beattie
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