Ross Beattie's PHAIR Lineages
please contact Ross Beattie for further details
This Page rcvd a long-overdue update on 07nd December, 2014

    1                 The Phairs

    1.1              John Phair (c1814…1843) m. Jane Armstrong (…)
                                [Co Fermanagh, Ireland → NSW, Australia]
    1.1.1           John Phair (1841…1911) m. Jessie Martha Whalan (1846…1930)
                                [Co Fermanagh, Ireland → NSW, Australia]        Ann Jane Phair (1866…1930) m. John Grundy (…1928)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Robert James Phair (1868…1941) m. Mary Bracken (1869…1955)
                                [NSW, Australia]        George Phair (1870…1899)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Emma Matilda Phair (1872…1910) m. John Samuel Wandby (c1867… 1943)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Rosa Mary Phair (1874…1917)
                                [NSW, Australia]     Harry Cecil Tillard Phair (1896…1920)
                                [NSW, Australia]        John Ernest Phair (1876…1951) m. Cornelia Dalrymple Batt (…1953)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Fanny H Phair (1879…1906)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Jessie Caroline Phair (1881…1933) m. Aubrey David Jones (1881…1917)
                                [NSW, Australia]        Oswald Charles Phair (1885…1961) m. Ethel C Boon (…1936+)
                                [NSW, Australia]

    1.2              John Phair (…) m. Mary — (c1819…1918)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]
    1.2.1           Ann Jane Phair (c1841…1922) m. James Wyllie (c1842…1923)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]
    1.2.2           William Phair (1843…1931) m. Caroline Charlotte Alice Carter (c1864… 1951)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland → Victoria, Australia]        Caroline Mary Alice May Phair (1891…1969) m. Christopher Christoffersen (c1864… 1936)
                                [Victoria, Australia]
    1.2.3           Christopher Phair (c1849…1915)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]
    1.2.4           John Gerard Phair (c1854…1926)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]
    1.2.5           Eliza Phair (c1855-59…1922)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland]
    1.2.6           James Phair (c1861-67…1922+)
                                [Co Tyrone, Ireland]

    1.3              Thomas Phair (c1800…1827+) m. Jane (…)
                                [Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland]
    1.3.1           Ann Phair (1827…1909) m. William Sloggett (1824…1908)
                                [Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland → Oberon, NSW; Altarnun, Cornwall → NSW]

    1.4              Phair Miscellany

     2                 The Sloggetts
[Altarnun, Cornwall Bathurst - Oberon, NSW]
                                              SLOGGETT DATA WAS PLACED IN THE WILCOX FILE (22jun2010) .

1. The Phairs [Kilskeery - Lowtherstown - Enniskillen, Tyrone and Fermanagh Camden - Bathurst - Oberon, NSW, Australia]

This section follows the descent of Phair families from the district about Enniskillen and Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh, and Kilskeery, Ballinamallard, Co Tyrone, which settled in the Burragorang, Oberon and Hunter Valley districts in New South Wales, Australia.

John Phair (born c1814) and his Scottish-born wife Jane Armstrong emigrated from the Enniskillen district, County Fermanagh, Ireland, about 1842, with their son John Phair who lived in the Hartley, Cox's River and Burragorang area west of Sydney and who married a Whalan from the Oberon district. John (born c1814) seems consistently referred to as 'John Phair'.

Another John Phair (born c1820, say) and his wife Mary, from Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, County Tyrone (just across the border from Fermanagh) had at least six known issue, of whom three (Ann Jane Phair, Christopher Phair and John Gerard Phair) emigrated to NSW and one (William Phair) emigrated to Victoria. John Gerard Phair [with ledger entries as 'John G Phair' of 'John J Phair'] made deposits in New South Wales for the immigration of his brother Christopher and neighbour James John Henderson.

The data herein was mostly independently researched; an excellent blog, Chris Pigott's The PHAYRE/PHAIR Diaspora - From Ireland to Australia, New Zealand, Canada & the U.S., was located late in the research, and should referred to for Phair information, including these and other Phair families [accessed 30nov2014].

1.1  John Phair (c1814…1843) m. Jane Armstrong (…)
[Co Fermanagh, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

John Phair and Jane Armstrong, living near Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland, were the parents of (at least):
JOHN PHAIR and JANE ARMSTRONG emigrated to New South Wales with at least one son, John.

The burial of John Fair, age 29 was registered in NSW in the Abercrombie district near Bathurst in 1843. Jane Phair née Armstrong remarried to James Campbell in 1847 in the Bathurst district according to Presbyterian rites.

Rita, on RootsWeb ['ritac194', 20apr2006] wrote: “My Jane Armstrong was born in Scotland abt 1817. She married John Phair, had a son in Enniskillen, Fermanagh, Ireland and then they came to Australia. John Phair Snr died soon after in 1843. Jane then remarried in 1847.”

1.1.1  John Phair (1841…1911) m. Jessie Martha Whalan (1846…1930)
[Co Fermanagh, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

John Phair, a horse-trainer, married Jessie Martha Whalan, at Bathurst in 8 December 1864. John had been born near Enniskillen Co Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1841. Aged 12 months, he emigrated to New South Wales with his parents, JOHN PHAIR and JANE ARMSTRONG. Jessie was the daughter of JOHN McLEAN WHALAN and JANE HEARN; her baptism was registered in 1846. John and Jessie had at least nine children:
John Phair, son of JOHN and JANE, died at Canterbury 12 January 1911; The Sydney Morning Herald of Tuesday 17 January 1911 (p6) noting:
PHAIR.—January 12, 1911, at his residence, Perry street, Canterbury, John Phair, late of Oberon, aged 70 years.

Jessie Martha Phair née Whalan, daughter of JOHN and JANE, died on 20 July 1930, as registered at Canterbury in 1930, The Sydney Morning Herald of Monday 21 July 1930 (p8) noting:
PHAIR.—July 20, 1930 at her residence, Timaru, Gibbs street, Campsie, Jessie Martha Phair, widow of the late John Phair, in her 84th year.”,
and on Tuesday 22 July 1930 (p9):
PHAIR.—The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Phair, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phair, and FAMILY, are invited to attend the Funeral of there beloved MOTHER and GRANDMOTHER, Jessie Martha, to leave her residence, Timaru, Duke-street, Campsie, THIS TUESDAY, at 2 p.m., for Methodist Cemetery, Moorefield. WOOD COFFILL LIMITED, Motor Funeral Directors.

John and Jane Phair were buried in the Methodist Cemetery at Moorefield Road, Kingsgrove, Sydney..  Ann Jane Phair (1866…1930) m. John Grundy (…1928)
[NSW, Australia]

Ann Jane Phair (born c1865) daughter of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, married John Grundy in the East Macquarie district [Bathurst region] on 8 September 1886. John and Ann were the parents of (at least):

The death of John Grundy, son of JOHN and ANN, at Cox's River on 25 March 1928 was registered at Camden. The Sydney Morning Herald of Monday 26 March 1928 (p10) noted:
GRUNDY.—March 25, 1928, beloved husband of Ann, Nattai River, Burragorang, second son of the late John Grundy, The Oaks.
The Camden News of Thursday 29 March 1928 (p6) reported:
The death of Mr. John Grundy, of Burragorang, took place on Monday last. The funeral at the Church of England Cemetery, The Oaks, on Tuesday was largely attended.
The Camden News on Thursday 5 April 1928 (p4) advertised:
IN the Supreme Court of New South Wales Probate Jurisdiction in the Will of JOHN GRUNDY late of Burragorang in the State of New South Application will be made alter fourteen days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last will and testament of the abovenamed deceased may be granted to ANN JANE GRUNDY and JOHN ALBERT HAROLD GRUNDY the Executrix and Executor named in the said Will and all notices may be served at the office of the undersigned to whom all persons having any claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to forward particulars of such claims within the said period of fourteen days. R. A. C. ADAMS, Proctor for Executrix and Executor, CAMDEN.
The Molong Express and Western District Advertiser of Saturday 7 April 1928 (p10):
Mr. Grundy, Senr. The death occurred at Nattai, Burragorang, on March 25 of Mr. Grundy, sen., father of Messrs. J. A. H. Grundy and A. E. Grundy, of Amaroo. The deceased had been ailing for some months. All the members of the family were in attendance at his bed-side before he passed away. The body was interred at the Peicton Road cemetery.
The Molong Express and Western District Advertiser of Saturday 14 April 1928 (p7) reported:
AMAROO. Messrs. Bert and Arthur Grundy have just lately suffered a bereavement in the death of their father, Mr. John Grundy, which sad event occurred on the 25th of March at his residence, Nattai River, Burragorang Valley. He had been ailing for a few months, but previously had always enjoyed good health. He left a widow, and a family of three sons and five daughters to mourn their loss, and for whom deep sympathy is felt. One son was killed at the war.
The Camden News of Thursday 26 April 1928 (p1) reflected:
Obituary. The grim reaper has made another sweep in the ranks of the fast thinning band of our old sturdy pioneers, this time John Grundy being the victim. In the person of the deceased passes a type that the younger generation has but a scanty knowledge. Quiet, unassuming, warm-hearted and lovable, he spent most of his manhood in the rugged mountainous district in the western end of the beautiful Burragorang Mountain. Daily contact with nature in its loveliness seems only to have enlarged the excellent qualities with which he had been endowed. For some years he had been employed by the late Messrs. Chas. Dunn and Lakeman, and he is noted for the loyalty which he discharged his trust. Making occasional trips to the Mountain with drafts, the writer always found it a pleasure to ride with him behind the hoofs, listening to some of his good natured humorous reminiscences. Vale old soul, a good man, a good father. "Now lies the shell that never more will house The fine strong spirit of my valued friend."

The death of Ann J Grundy, daughter of JOHN and JESSIE M, was registered at Camden NSW in 1930; Ann died 10 December 1930, the Camden News of Thursday 18 December 1930 (p7) reporting:
Death of Mrs. Grundy. Last week brief mention was made of the death of Mrs. Ann Jane Grundy on Wednesday, December 10th, at her residence, "Happy Home," Burragorang. The deceased lady, aged 65 years, led an active life and appeared in the best of health, and her death suddenly, after a few hours illness, came as a surprise and shock to all. Formerly Miss Phair, daughter of the late John Phair, of Oberon, where she was born, married John Grundy in 1886, who was then living at Oberon. Later they resided at Gingkin, in the same district and in 1902 took up residence at Cox's River, where Mr. Grundy died in March, 1928. The deceased lady was a friend among friends in the Valley, and her sudden demise caused sorrow on every hand. The funeral took place last Friday at Old Oaks, the Rev. Mr. Owens, of Picton, performing the last sad rites. The surviving family is Mrs. Price, (Jessie A.) Marrickville ; Miss Jane Grundy, Burragorang; Mrs. Reynolds, (Ruby) Glen lnnes; Mrs. Perkins, (Elsie) Eumungerie; Mrs. Johnson, (Amy) Hurlstone Park); John Albert, Burragorang; Ernest, Dungog; Arthur and Frank, Burragorang.

death of Ann Jane Grundy née Phair's father-in-law John Grundy, son of JOHN and MARY, was registered at Camden in 1910. The Camden News of Thursday 6 October 1910 (p6) noted:
Death. GRUNDY,— On the 1st inst., at his late residence, The Oaks, John Grundy, late of Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England. Aged 85 years.
The Camden News of Thursday 6 October 1910 (p5) wrote:
On Saturday last, the 1st October, one of the oldest pastoralists and graziers of the Camden district, the late Mr. John Grundy passed away to that 'bourne from whence do traveller ever returns.' His removal is a distinct loss to the district for he was a capable farmer and a shrewd man in all things appertaining to land and live stock. The deceased was the son of the late Mr. John Grundy, of Hudderfield, Yorkshire, his native home. As a single man he came to Australia in 1840, and first made his name and capabilities known in Campbelltown, where he remained for a time, the late Sir William Macleay, recognising his ability and worth, appointed him overseer of Brownlow Hill Estate, which he managed for a number of years with skill and success. He afterwards purchased farming and grazing properties at The Oaks and Burragorang, and went to live on the former property some 40 years ago. Up to recently he visited Camden cheerful and full of good common sense, and residents always recognised his integrity and honesty of purpose. The late Mr. John Grundy married Miss Ann Butt, of Camden, the marriage ceremony being celebrated at Camden Park. The deceased leaves five sons and four daughters, and many grand children and great grand children. The names of his immediate children now living are Messrs Edward, John, James, George, and William Henry Grundy, Mrs. Shortland, Mrs. Ditzell, Mrs. Gittoes and Miss Fanny Salina Grundy. The last remains of the departed were reverently laid to rest in The Oaks Cemetery the Rev. Mr. Chase, of Picton, conducting the last sad rites for the dead of the Church of England. The funeral was very largely attended. Thus passed away one who was esteemed and loved, having borne the heat and burden of his time from youth to mans hood and the ripe old age of 85.
The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday 6 October 1910 (p8) noted:
GRUNDY.—October 1, at his residence, The Oaks, John Grundy, aged 85 years.

Note also the death of Ann Jane Grundy née Phair's Gloucestershire-born mother-in-law Ann Grundy, 86, daughter of JACOB and ANN, was registered at Camden in 1913. The Camden News of Thursday 20 February 1913 (p6), copied almost verbatim in The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney) Saturday 1 March 1913 (p9), wrote:
The subject of this article, relict of the late John Grundy, was a native of Gloucestershire, England, came to New South Wales in 1837, and was married in Camden on 29th May, 1848, and lived at Brownlow Hill for about 23 years, and then went to The Oaks where she remained up to the time of her death, 11th February, 1913. The deceased lady and her husband were good types of pioneers which the colony needed, and they did much to advance the prosperity of the district. Much trying times and perils many had been braved by these people, and with British pluck and doggedness they surmounted all difficulties and in their old age lived in comfort and peace. Mrs. Grundy was a cheerful body, esteemed by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. She had eleven children, five boys and six girls— the survivors being Edward (The Oaks), John (Cox's River), James (Cox's River), George (Sydney), and William Henry (Sydney), Mrs. W. H. Shortland (Homebush), Mrs. J. Didzell (Inverell), Mrs. W. Gettoes (Lithgow), and Miss S. Grundy (Sydney), and left a large circle of grandchildren, relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The last remains of the deceased were reverently laid at rest in The Oaks Cemetery on Wednesday of last week, the funeral being largely attended.  Robert James Phair (1868…1941) m. Mary Bracken (1869…1955)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Robert James Phair, son of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, was registered at Hartley in 1868. Robert's marriage to Mary Bracken on 14 February 1899 was registered at Wellington, NSW. Mary's birth on 3 August 1869, daughter of PHILLIP and BRIDGET, had been registered at Wellington NSW. Robert and Mary had at least one child:

Robert James Phair's death was registered at Dubbo in 1941. The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate on Saturday 28 June 1941 (p3) advised:
RETURN THANKS. MRS. PHAIR and DAUGHTER, of Wongarbon, wish to tender their sincere thanks to Rev. Father O'Herlihy, Dr. Roberts, Matron and Nursing Staff of the Dubbo District Hospital, all relatives and friends for messages, expressions of sympathy and kindnesses received in their recent sad bereavement.

The death of Mary Phair, daughter of PHILLIP and BRIDGET, on 16 September 1955, was registered at Dubbo.  George Phair (1870…1899)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of George Phair, son of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, was registered at Hartley in 1870.

George died at sea on 16 August 1899. An unsourced, undated (1899) obituary referred to his death::
(Saturday’s Star.)
A startling incident in the voyage of the Mararoa from New Zealand was the suicide of one of the steerage passengers. The vessel arrived last night, and Captain McDonald reported that when in lat. 34.13 south, long. 167.56 east, 7.46 a.m., on the 16th instant, two sailors, who were working at the stern of the ship, saw a steerage passenger, named George Phair, jump overboard. The alarm was at once given, the engines reversed, and the ship steamed over the spot; but, though a good look-out was kept from aloft, nothing was seen of the unfortunate man. From papers found among his effects, the deceased had, apparently, been in the employ of F. S. Graham, of Oberon (N.S.W.), as coach-driver.
Oberon, Tuesday. — George Phair was born here, and was the son of Mr. John Phair, a well-known horse trainer, and one time owner of Saunterer. George Phair was a very respectable young fellow. Some eight years ago he was thrown from a horse in Oberon. He was insensible several weeks. Since that accident he was always more or less melancholy, although he drove the coach for F. S. Graham for about two years after. Lately, he was not working for F. S. Graham. The deceased was highly respected by all who knew him, and everyone expresses sorrow for the young man’s untimely end.
Hazelgrove, Tuesday. — Regret was expressed here upon hearing of the sad death of Mr. George Phair. Mr. Phair, who was formerly a resident of this district, was for some time a coach-driver for Mr. Graham, on this road, and, by his civil and obliging disposition, he gained the goodwill of one and all.  Emma Matilda Phair (1872…1910) m. John Samuel Wandby (c1867… 1943)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Emma Matilda Phair, daughter of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, was registered at Hartley in 1872. Emma married John Samuel Wandby in Sydney, 1896, and they had three children:
The death of Emma Matilda Wandby née Phair on 30 April 1910 was noted in The Sydney Morning Herald (p8) on 2 May 1910:
WANDBY.-April 30, 1910, at her residence, Loch Lomond, Bathurst Road, Katoomba, Emma Matilda, loved wife of John S. Wandby, of Katoomba, and daughter of John Phair, of Canterbury, aged 38.
The Blue Mountain Echo of 7 May 1910 (p7) added:
THANKS. MR. J. S. WAUDBY, and Mrs. and Miss Phair wish to return their SINCERE THANKS for the many kind expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, letters, cards and telegrams received during their recent sad bereavement, also to the Rev. W. J. Grant and the ladies of the town for their attendance and kindly assistance during the long illness of the late Mrs. Wandby.

John married Ada Louise Whalan (born 1880, Lithgow) in Sydney in 1919.

The death of John Samuel Waudby, son of GEORGE and ANNIE ELIZABETH, on 6 March 1943 in Castle Hill was registered at Parramatta. The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW) of Wednesday 10 March 1943 (p7) reflected:
John Samuel Wandby (76), retired. commercial traveller, died at his residence, Castle Hill, on Saturday. He leaves a widow, a son, and a daughter. The interment took place in the Methodist Cemetery, Castle Hill, on Monday morning. Arrangements were in the hands of Metcalfe and Morris Pty. Ltd., Parramatta.  Rosa Mary Phair (1874…1917)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Rosa Mary Phair, daughter of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, on 23 April 1874, was registered at Hartley.

No marriages are registered for Rosa, and it seems she died a spinster. However, there may have been a base-born child, if so apparently reared by Rosa's parents:
  • HARRY CECIL TILLARD PHAIR (birth on 15 August 1896 registered in Sydney noting sole parent as ROSE M [PHAIR]; death on 23 June 1920 registered at Canterbury with parents noted as JOHN and JESSIE M).
The death of Rose M Phair, daughter of JOHN and JESSIE, on 22 June 1917, was registered at Canterbury. The Sydney Morning Herald of Saturday 23 June 1917 (p11) advised:
PHAIR.—The Friends of Mrs. PHAIR and FAMILY are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of her late dearly loved DAUGHTER and their SISTER, Rose, to leave her residence Timaru, Duke-street, Campsie, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Methodist Cemetery, Moorefield. WOOD, COFFILL, and COMPANY, LTD., Funeral Directors, 'Phone, 9226 City. 810 George-street, Sydney.  Harry Cecil Tillard Phair (1896…1920)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Harry Cecil Tillard Phair on 15 August 1896 was registered in Sydney noting a sole parent, ROSE M [PHAIR]. There is no indication that Harry married or had issue. It appears he, and Rosa, remained in the home of Rosa's parents JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN. His death registration and published funeral notices indicate he was reared by John and Jessie as their own.

The death of Harry Cecil Tillard Phair on 23 June 1920 was registered at Canterbury noting his parents as JOHN and JESSIE M, The Sydney Morning Herald on Friday 25 June 1920 (p7) advising:
PHAIR-The Friends of the late HENRY CECIL TILLARD PHAIR are klndly invited to attend his Funeral; to leave Timaru, Duke-street, Campsie THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 2 30, for Methodist Cemetery, Moorefield. WOOD, COFFILL, and COMPANY, LIMITED.
PHAIR -The Friends of Mrs. J. PHAIR, Senior, Mr. and Mrs. J. PHAIR, Junior, Mrs. A. D. JONES, and Mr. O. C. PHAIR, are kindly invited to attend the funeral of her dearly loved SON and their BROTHER, Henry Cecil Tillard Phair: to leave Timaru, Duke-street, Campsie, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 2 30, for Methodist Cemetery, Moorefield.  John Ernest Phair (1876…1951) m. Cornelia Dalrymple Batt (…1953)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of John Ernest Phair, son of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, on 18 June 1876 was registered at Bathurst. John Ernest Phair married Cornelia Dalrymple Batt in the Glebe, Sydney NSW in 1914. Their children included:
  • DILCIE MURIEL PHAIR (born 1914 near Marrickville NSW; a notice regarding the death on 10 August 1990 of Dulcie Muriel Porter, aged 75 years, "late of Blakehurst", was published in The Sydney Morning Herald on the 13 August 1990; marriage to Hubert Alfred Porter registered at Canterbury in 1937),
  • RONALD J PHAIR (born 1916 near Canterbury NSW; in 1994 living at 28 Croydon Rd, Cronulla NSW; a notice regarding the death on 8 November 2001 of Ron Phair, "late of Cronulla", was published in Sydney's Daily Telegraph on 9 November 2001),
  • MARJORIA PEARL PHAIR (born 1917 near Canterbury NSW; death on 24 October 2011, age 94, noted in the St George & Sutherland Leader the following day; marriage to Francis Bernard Schneider registered at Canterbury in 1949)),
  • RUSSELL GEORGE PHAIR (born circa 1922; in 1994 living at 64 Sutherland Road, Janalli NSW; perhaps the notice regarding the death on 22 August 1995 of Russell George Phair, aged 73 years, "late of Wyoming, formerly of Jannali", published in The Sydney Morning Herald on the 23 August 1995; marriage of Russell George Phair to Gloria Gall registered in Sydney in 1952) and
  • ERNEST OSWALD PHAIR (in 1994 living at 39 Newcastle Street, Rose Bay NSW; a notice regarding the death on 16 April 1998 of Ernest Oswald Phair, "late of Rose Bay", was published in The Sydney Morning Herald on the 23 April 1998; marriage to Gwendoline Jean Franklin registered at Redfern in 1944; children of Ernest O Phair included ?Richie (in Western Australia in 1994) and ?Barry (in Epping NSW in 1994)).
The 1936 NSW Electoral Roll shews John Ernest Phair enrolled in the Campsie Sub-division of the Lang electorate, a trainer resident at “Heri”, Park Street, Canterbury; Cordelia Dalrymple Phair was engaged in home duties at the same address and Dulcie Muriel Phair a dressmaker at 81 Park Street.

The death of John Ernest Phair, son of JOHN and JESSIE MARTHA, on 7 May 1951, was registered at Burwood NSW. The Sydney Morning Herald of Wednesday 9 May 1951 (p20) advised:
PHAIR.—The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. Cordelia Phair, of 81 Park Street, Campsie, and Family are invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly beloved Husband their loving Father and Father-in-law, JOHN ERNEST, to leave the Metropolitan Funeral Home, Railway Parade, Burwood, To-morrow (Thursday) after Service commencing at 9 a.m for Rookwood Crematorium. METROPOLITAN BURIAL AND CREMATION SOCIETY, Railway Parade, Burwood UJ2178-9
The death of Cordelia Dalrymple Phair née Batt, daughter of CHARLES WILLIAM and LYDIA JOSEPHINE, on 30 October 1953, was registered at Burwood NSW. The Sydney Morning Herald of Monday 2 November 1953 (p14) advised:
PHAIR.—The Relatives and Friends of the Family of the late CORDELIA DALRYMPLE PHAIR, of 54 Princes Street, Ryde (formerly of Campsie), are invited to attend her Funeral: to leave tho Metropolitan Funeral Home, Railway Parade. Burwood, To-morrow (Tuesday), at 11.30 a.m., for Rookwood Crematorium. METROPOLITAN BURIAL and CREMATION SOCIETY, Railway Pde, Burwood. UJ2178-9.  Fanny H Phair (1879…1906)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Fanny H Phair, daughter of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, on 28 January 1879 registered at Hartley. Fanny's death on 31 May 1906 was registered at Katoomba.  Jessie Caroline Phair (1881…1933) m. Aubrey David Jones (1881…1917)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Jessie Caroline Phair, daughter of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, on 12 October 1881, was registered at Hartley. Jessie Caroline Jones married Aubrey David Jones in 1904 at Canterbury NSW. Aubrey's birth was registered to DAVID and RACHEL at Bathurst in 1881. Jessie and Aubrey were the parents of at least five children:
  • Gwendolyn Jones (birth registered at Hamilton in 1906),
    Bruce A Jones (birth registered at Canterbury in 1907; death on 19 November 1908 registered at Katoomba, The Sydney Morning Herald of Monday 23 November 1908 (p6) noting: “JONES.-November 20, 1908 at Katoomba, Bruce, dear son of J. and A. D. Jones, aged 14 months.”),
    Alan O Jones (birth registered at Marrickville in 1909; death on 7 April 1910 registered at Canterbury),
    Marjorie Jones (birth registered at Marrickville in 1911) and
    Mavis Jones (mentioned with Gwen in 1933 death notice for Jessie).
The death of Aubrey David Jones, son of DAVID and RACHEL, on 16 September 1917, was registered at Newtown. The Sydney Morning Herald of Monday 17 September 1917 (p5) noted:
JONES.—The friends of the late AUBREY DAVID JONES are kindly invited to attend his Funeral to leave his residence, Crustopann, Garnet- Street, Dulwich Hill, THIS DAY at 2.30 p.m., for Moorefield Cemetery. T. J. ANDREWS, Undertaker, Tel., L1138. Enmore-road, Newtown.
NSW Electoral Roll shew Jessie Caroline Phair [home duties] with Gwendolyn Jones [bookbinder's assistant] at [“Mascotte”], 8 [The] Esplanade, Manly, in 1930. The Rolls shew Jessie at 13 Wood street, Manly, and Gwendolyn [bookbinder] with Marjorie [clerk] at 1 Araslow, Addison road, Manly, in 1933.

The death of Jessie Caroline Jones née Phair, daughter of JOHN and JESSIE M, on 29 March 1933, was registered at Manly NSW; The Sydney Morning Herald of Saturday 1 April 1933 (p12) noted:
JONES.—March 29. 1933, at Manly. Jessie Caroline, loved mother of Gwen and Mavis Jones. Privately Interred 30th Instant.  Oswald Charles Phair (1885…1961) m. Ethel C Boon (…1936+)
[NSW, Australia]

The birth of Oswald Charles Phair, son of JOHN PHAIR and JESSIE MARTHA WHALAN, was registered in the East Macquarie district in 1885i. Oswald's marriage to Ethel C Boon was registered at Dubbo in 1921: they had no children.

The 1936 NSW Electoral Roll shews Oswald Charles Phair and Ethel Phair enrolled in the Campsie Sub-division of the Lang electorate, both at 35 Duke Street Campsie and engaged in home duties. Jessie was at 13 Wood street, Manly, in 1933.

The death Oswald Charles Phair was registered at Burwood in 1961.


1.2  John Phair (…) m. Mary — (c1819…1918)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

John Phair and his Fermanagh-born wife Mary — [possibly Irvine], of Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, Co Tyrone, Ireland, between Trillick and Ballinamallard. Mary was a niece of the Rev. Arthur Irvine and of Captain George Irvine. A John Fair of Corkhill, Parish of Kilskeery, had married widow Mary Irvine of Cules, Parish of Derryvolland [Derryvullan?] by licence at Kilskeery CoI on 24 September 1840.

John and Mary Phair were the parents of four sons and four daughters, including:
  • ANN JANE PHAIR (born circa 1842, Co Tyrone; emigrated to NSW; as Ann Jane Wyllie died 5 October 1922, Ann Street, East Maitland, NSW; marriage to East Maitland baker John Wyllie on 16 August 1871 registered at Paterson NSW, no issue),
  • WILLIAM PHAIR (born 9 April 1843, Co Tyrone; emigrated to Victoria, Australia; living in Bendigo, Victoria, in 1922; died 20 June 1931, Golden Square, Bendigo,; married Caroline Charlotte Alice Carter on 18 March 1890 in Victoria [Caroline died in 1951, aged 87]; five known issue),
  • CHRISTOPHER PHAIR (born circa 1849, Loughterush, Co Tyrone; emigrated to NSW in 1882 and settled in East Maitland, operated a bakery with his brother John; died 31 July 1915, aged 66; unmarried, no known issue) and
  • JOHN GERARD PHAIR (born circa 1854, Co Tyrone, Ireland; emigrated to NSW; died 1926; seems to have paid immigration deposits for his brother Christopher and for neighbour James John Henderson [who emigrated in the Peterborough in 1880 with Andrew McGregor Beattie),
  • ELIZA PHAIR (born circa 1855-59, Co Tyrone; living unmarried in Loughterush townland in 1901 and 1911; died 6 February 1922, aged 68 at Loughterush, Kilskeery parish) and
  • JAMES PHAIR (born circa 1861-67, Co Tyrone; living unmarried in Loughterush townland in 1901 and 1911; living in Ireland in October 1922).
An Alexander Phair and Jane — were married at Magheracross CoI on 27 December 1804; Magheracross parish, Co Fermanagh, abuts Kilskeery parish. A Prudence Phair of Lartarush [Loughterush?] was buried on 31 October 1805 in Magheracross parish,. A William Phair of Kilskeery and Margaret Ellliot of Magheracross were married at Magheracross CoI on 19 February 1925.

One of two Phair families listed in Co Tyrone in the 31 March 1901 Irish census, farmer Mary Phair (80, a widow) and children Eliza (42, unmarried) and James (40, unmarried) are shewn at 'House 2' of eleven households in Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, Co Tyrone [Barony of East Omagh, Omagh constabulary district (Trillick sub-district), Poor Law Union of Irvinestown; District Electoral Division [DED] of Moorefield]; 'House 2' was a 2nd class private dwelling with stone/brick/concrete walls and perishable thatch/wood/other roof, of five or six rooms, with two windows at the front of the house:































Farmer's Daughter











Farmer's son



All spoke English.

[the family of John Ray Phair (42) and his six children was at Killyclooney, Donagheady parish, near Strabane, Co Tyrone]

The 2 April 1911 Irish census lists only one Phair family in Co Tyrone. Farmer Mary Phair (90, a widow) and children John Gerard (58, farmer, single), Eliza (56, single) and James (54, farmer, single) are shewn in 'House 3' of thirteen at Loughterush; the house had two stables, a cow shed, piggery, fowl house, barn and turf house:












Mary Phair Head W CoI R&W 90 F Farmer Fermanagh 1821

John Gerard

































All were English-speaking.

Mary Phair, relict of John, died on 20 August 1918, aged 99 according to her headstone, and was buried in the Kilskeery Church of Ireland churchyard. In New South Wales The Maitland Daily Mercury of Monday 18 November 1918 (p4) and Saturday 23 November 1918 (p5) reported:
Death of Mrs. Phair. Sen.
In August last, Mrs. Phair, mother of Mrs. James Wyllie, of Aberdeen Cottage, East Maitland, died at her home farm, Laughterush, near Belfast; County of Tyrone, Ireland, at the age of 100 years and two months. Many years ago Mrs. Phair's husband died, leaving her with a young family of four sons and four daughters. At the present time three of those sons and two daughters survive, three living in this country, and two in the old country. Up to the time of her death, Mrs Phair retained possession of all her faculties. She was the niece of the Rev. Arthur Irvine, and of Captain George Irvine.
rf also [accessed 30nov2014].

1.2.1  Ann Jane Phair (c1841…1922) m. James Wyllie (c1842…1923)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

Ann Jane Phair, daughter of JOHN and MARY, hailing from Co Tyrone where it borders Co Fermanagh, Ireland, emigrated to New South Wales. Ann's marriage to James Wyllie on 16 August 1871 was registered at Paterson in the NSW Hunter Valley region.

Ann Jane Wylie née Phair [“Jane”], wife of James, died 5 October 1922, aged 81 years (viz. born circa 1841), daughter of JOHN and MARY, the event was registered at Waratah NSW. She was buried in East Maitland General Cemetery (Presbyterian portion, row 13) with her husband James (died 8 July 1923 aged 81 years). The Maitland Daily Mercury of Thursday 5 October 1922 (p4) reported her passing:
Death of Mrs. James Wyllie. Mrs. Wyllie, wife of Mrs. James Wyllie, died at her late residence, Ann-street, East Maitland, this morning, She had been ill for about a fortnight, and had undergone an operation for appendicitis. To all appearances she seemed to be well on the way to recovery, but relapsed, and passed peacefully to her rest. A native of Ireland, the late Mrs. Wyllie was 81 years of age. She had resided in East Maitland since her arrived in Australia. Mr. Wyllie established a bakery business there 66 years ago. About 22 years ago, her husband retired, and they went to live in Ann-street. The late Mrs. Wyllie was a most estimable woman in every respect. Charitable to a fault, she gained a wide circle of admirers, who will cherish fond memories of her kindness and benevolence. She took an active part in the social life of the community, and during the war ardently supported the various patriotic movements. She was an active member of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church. Her sorrowing husband survives her, but there are no children. Mr. John Phair (East Maitland), Mr. William Phair (Bendigo), and Mr. James Phair (Ireland) are brothers.
The Maitland Weekly Mercury of Saturday 14 October 1922 (p5) reported:
The funeral of the late Mrs. James Wyllie, whose death occurred in the Mater Misericordiae Hospital at Waratah, on Thursday, left her late residence in Ann-street, East Maitland. for the Presbyterian cemetery, and was well attended. Rev. Alex. Smith officiated. The chief mourners were Mr. James Wyllie, husband. Mr. J. Phair, brother; Messrs. David, Joseph, and Robert Wyllie, Robert Porter, D. Ley, nephews; Dave, Don and Stuart Wyllie, grand-nephews. Many friends from Sydney and other place also attended. Wreaths were received from Mr. and Mrs. J. H. F. Waller, William Geary, Ltd., Hunter River District Bowling Association, Mr. and Mrs. H. Compton and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon Cllft, Mr. and Mrs. Rossell, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dimmock and family, East Maitland Croquet Club, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cook, senr. and family, members of Literary Institute, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Norrie, Mrs. Vincer, Presbyterian Church management committee and Congregation, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller and family (Dural). East Maitland Bowling Club, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lee, Women's Missionary Association, Rev. Alex. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Petherbridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pryke and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ley and Miss Wyllie, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wyllie and family (Hamilton), Mr. and Mrs. Rob Porter, Miss. Wyllie and Keith, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wyllie and family (East Maitland.)

James Wyllie, son of DAVID and MARY, died on 8 July 1823 at East Maitland, The Maitland Daily Mercury on Wednesday 11 July 1923 (p2) advertising:
FUNERAL. THE FRIENDS of the late Mr. JAMES WYLLIE are respectfully invited to attend his FUNERAL: To move from the residence of his nephew, Mr. David Wyllie, Melbourne-street, East Maitland, TO-MORROW (THURSDAY ) AFTERNOON, at Two o'clock, for the East Maitland Cemetery. FRY BROS., 3863. Funeral Directors.
The Maitland Daily Mercury on Wednesday 11 July 1923 (p4): (reprinted in the Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate on Thursday 12 July 1923 (p6)) also wrote:
The death occurred last night of Mr. James Wyllie, a very old and highly respected resident of East Maitland. Since the death of his wife, which occurred about twelve months ago, he had not enjoyed the best of health, and for the past few months he had been under constant medical attention. His death, which occurred at the residence of his nephew, Mr. D. Wyllie, of East Maitland, with whom he had been residing, was not unexpected. A native of Aberdeen, Scotland, the late Mr. Wyllie was 81 years of age. He came to Australia about 66 years ago. He established a bakery in East Maitland, where he had much business success, and retired many years ago. During his lifetime he took a very active part in the life of the community. About 10 years ago he entered the municipal council, and except for a couple of short breaks served continuously, until he retired a few years ago. During his service, he was very constant in his attendance, and always gave the best of his ability in the interests of the ratepayers. He was vice-president of many of the committees, and took a particular interest in matters concerning the reserve. Deceased, up to the time of his death, was the oldest living member of the East Maitland Literary Institute. His service was continuous, and right on to the end he held the position of vice-president, an office he had filled since he was elected to the committee. He took a great interest in the workings of the Institute, and the up-to-date billiard room is a standing memorial to his services. He was practically responsible for its erection. He was founder of the East Maitland Bowling Club, and until forced to retire for health reasons was its president. He was also in no small way responsible for the laying out of the ladies' croquet green and took a great interest in its welfare. In church mutters, he always took an active interest. He was mainly instrumental in the erection of the Free Presbyterian Church at the corner of Lawes and William streets. He also was a keen supporter of St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church. His services during the war were marked with sincerity. He was forward in any movement for the welfare of the soldiers and he aided financially many causes. He had no family. Messrs. J. Wyllie (Hamilton), R. T. Wylllie (Lorn), and Dave W'yllie (East Maitland) are nephews, Mrs. R. Porter, D. Ley and Misses M. and Mary Wyllie (East Maitland), nieces, and Mr. John Phair (East Maitland) a brother-in-law. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon, leaving the residence of deceased's nephew, Mr. David Wyllie, Melbourne street, at 2 o'clock for the East Maitland cemetery.

1.2.2  William Phair (1843…1931) m. Caroline Charlotte Alice Carter (c1864… 1951)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland → Victoria, Australia]

The data in this section is built on Chris Pigott's The PHAYRE/PHAIR Diaspora - From Ireland to Australia, New Zealand, Canada & the U.S. [accessed 30nov2014].
William Phair, son of JOHN PHAIR and his wife MARY [née IRVINE or IRWIN?], was born or baptised on 9 April 1843 in Co Tyrone, probably at Loughterush, Kilskeery parish. William emigrated to Victoria, Australia, where he married Caroline Charlotte Alice Carter on 18 March 1871. Caroline was born circa 1863-4, one of eight children of THOMAS HENRY CARTER (born 11 March 1824) and his wife CAROLINE CHARLOTTE TAYLOR (born 20 April 1826).

William and Caroline had at least six children:
  • CAROLINE MARY ALICE MAY PHAIR (born 1891; as Caroline Mary Alice Christoffersen died at Leongatha, Victoria, in 1969, aged 78; married Christopher Christopherson in Victoria in 1914, with issue),
  • CLARICE BEATRICE ANN PHAIR (born 1892, Py[ramid] Hill, Victoria; died Mount [Mont] Albert, Victoria, mid-March 1978, aged 85; married bootmaker Herbert Henry Pithie (son of JOHN PITHIE and ELIZABETH MALE, born Eaglehawk, Victoria, 1886; died 1924) in Victoria in 1917; as Clarice Teague, married Reginald James Teague (son of JAMES TEAGUE and MAUD GARDNER, born 1894 in Victoria; died 1955 in Victoria)),
  • THOMAS WILLIAM IRWIN PHAIR (a.k.a. WILLIAM IRWIN PHAIR and WILLIAM THOMAS PHAIR ; born Bendigo, circa 1894; died age 78 at Heidelberg, Victoria, in 1973; enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (Expeditionary Force) as a Private (7th Battalion, 15th Reinforcement) on 27 October 1915, not in his birthplace as Bendigo, age as 20 years five months, next-of-kin as his father (William Phair, 195 Victoria Street, Iron Bark, Bendigo), occupation as grocer, religious denomination Methodist, with two years experience in the Cadets and 2½ years in the Citizen Forces, marital status as single, embarked from Melbourne on board HMAT A18 Wiltshire on 7 March 1916 with 1st Pioneer Battalion, returned to Australia 25 January 1919),
  • EDWARD CHRISTOPHER PHAIR (born c1898; died age 65 in 1963 at Fitzroy, Melbourne, Victoria; enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (Expeditionary Force) as a Private (60th Battalion, 4th Reinforcement) on 8 May 1916, noting his birthplace as Golden Square, Bendigo, age as 18 years, next-of-kin his father (William Phair, 195 Vic. Street, Iron Bark, Bendigo), occupation as storeman, religious denomination Church of England, with four years experience in 'S.C.', marital status as single, embarked from Melbourne on board HMAT A67 Orsova on 1 August 1916 with 59th Battalion, returned to Australia 10 June 1919),
  • EDITH ELIZABETH PHAIR (born c1899; died 1967, aged 67, at 'Foro', Victoria; never married) and
  • GERTRUDE OLIVE EDNA PHAIR (born 18 November 1902; died 12 October 1950, Melbourne's The Argus on Saturday 14 October 1950 (18) noting: “PAULL-On October 12 (suddenly), Gertrude, the dearly loved wife of Claude Samuel Paull, of 35 Jean Street, Cotham Road, Kew.”; married electrical engineer Claude Samuel Paull; in 1936 they were residing at 325 Richardson street, Middle Park, Melbourne Ports).
Caroline Charlotte Alice Phair née Carter died on 19 February 1950 at Bendigo, aged 86.

William Phair, son of 'JNO PHAIR' and 'MARY IRWIN', died on 20 June 1931 at Golden Square, Bendigo, Victoria, age 87.

Note though the report in The Argus on Saturday 20 January 1951 (p7):
GREAT thrill for Murielle Tomlinson today - her engagement to Robert Irwin Phair is announced, and she celebrates her 21st birthday. Both will be cause for toasting and many good wishes at dance her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlinson, of Ormond, will give for her at Ormondee, Ormond, tonight.
She is the Tomlinson's second daughter, and her fiance is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Phair, of Malvern, both of whom will be among the 80 guests at tonight's party.  Caroline Mary Alice May Phair (1891…1969) m. Christopher Christoffersen (c1864… 1936)
[Victoria, Australia]

Caroline Mary Alice May Phair, daughter of WILLIAM PHAIR and his wife CAROLINE CHARLOTTE ALICE CARTER, was born in 1891 at Pyramid Hill, 86 km north of Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Caroline married Christopher Christoffersen in 1914 in Victoria. Christopher was born about 1893, the son of CHARLES JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN and JANE MEIER [Melbourne's The Argus of Wednesday 23 December 1953 (p11) noted: “CHRISTOFFERSEN, Janet— On December 19, at her son's residence, Eltham North, loving wife of the late Charles John Christoffersen, formerly of Wallan and Port Melbourne, loved mother of Christopher (deceased), Norman (deceased), Owen (Mrs. Jack), Louie (Mrs. Broderick), Possie (Mrs. Ramage), and Allan. (Privately cremated December 21.)”].

Christopher and Caroline had at least six children:
  • CHRISTOPHER LORRAINE CHRISTOFFERSEN (born 5 October 1914; died 12 June 1999, buried at Leongatha, Gippsland, Victoria; resided Leongatha in 1980)
  • CHRISTINA MARY CHRISTOFFERSEN (“Mary”, born c1920; death as Christina Mary Richards, age 81, on 4 March 2001, noted in Melbourne's Herald Sun on 8 March 2001; married Norman Cecil Richards, seven issue),
  • CHARLES JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN (“Jack”; born 27 April 1923; death on 23 February 2000, aged 76, 'late of Nerrena', noted in Melbourne's Herald Sun on 25 and 26 February 2000),
  • ALAN ROBERT CHRISTOFFERSEN (in Victorian Electoral Rolls at Leongatha in 1963 and at Shepparton in 1972, 1977 and 1980; possibly married Valma Florence —, with issue),
  • RONALD IRWIN CHRISTOFFERSEN (born c1928; death on 4 October 2000, aged 72, 'at Leongatha Hospital, late of Brackenhurst, Nerrena ', noted in Melbourne's Herald Sun on 5 and 9 October 2000; married Pearl Elsie Lovell, with issue, The Argus of Wednesday 30 March 1955 (p15) noting: “CHRISTOFFERSEN (Lovell).—On March 24. at Leongatha District Hospital, to Pearl and Ron - a daughter (Valerie Ann).”, other issue were Wendie, Pamela and Brenda) and
  • EDNA CHRISTOFFERSEN (possibly her death on 25 June 2000, as Edna Banks, 'at Maffra', noted in Melbourne's Herald Sun two days later; Melbourne's The Argus on Saturday 13 January 1951 (p6) announced: “CHRISTOFFERSEN—BANKS.—Edna, youngest daughter of Mrs. M. Christoffersen, of Leongatha, and the late Mr. C. Christoffersen, to Brian, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Banks, Dandenong road, Carnegie.”).
Christopher Christoffersen died on 8 January 1936, age 43, and was buried at Leongatha. The Argus of Saturday 8 January 1938 noted:
CHRISTOFFERSEN.— In loving memory of Chris. husband of May, and father of Chris. Mary, Jack. Alan. Ron, and Edna, who passed away on the 8th January, 1936.
Not just to-day, but every day, in silence I remember.

Caroline Mary Alice Christoffersen née Phair [“May”] died at Leongatha, Victoria, on 6 June 1969, aged 78.

1.2.3  Christopher Phair (c1849…1915)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

Christopher Phair, son of JOHN and MARY, was born or baptised 1849 in Co Tyrone.

Christopher's younger brother John G Phair, in New South Wales, paid a deposit of £2 on 3 December 1879 to towards Christopher's immigration from Ireland: John noted Christopher as a farmer aged 28 from "Laughterush" [Loughterush] near Kilskeery with referee as Jas Morrow of the same address: the £2 was refunded to John J Phair in August 1880, the officials noting “Declines Emigrating PC retd herewith”. John G Phair paid a second deposit on 15 January 1881. Christopher, 34, emigrated as an assisted immigrant aboard the Hereford which arrived in Sydney 22 April 1882 with 394 immigrants. Christopher was then noted as an agricultural labourer or farmer from Co Tyrone, whose mother Mary was still living in Tyrone when he emigrated. He was an adherent to the Church of England, and could read and write. John was apparently living either in Sydney or East Maitland when Christopher arrived.

There are no NSW records indicating Christopher married or had issue. He joined John's bakery business in East Maitland.

Christopher Phair, son of JOHN and MARY, died 31 July 1915, aged 66 years (viz. born circa 1849), the event registered at Maitland East NSW. The Maitland Daily Mercury of Saturday 31 July 1915 (p6) noted:
FUNERAL. The Friends of the late MR. CHRISTOPHER PHAIR are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral ; To leave the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. Wyllie, Ann-street, East Maitland, TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) AFTERNOON, at Three o'clock. FRY BROS., 5039 Funeral Directors.

1.2.4  John Gerard Phair (c1854…1926)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland → NSW, Australia]

John Gerard Phair, son of JOHN and MARY, was born or baptised circa 1854 in Co Tyrone; by 1879 he had emigrated to New South Wales.

John was instrumental in the emigration of Irish-folk from the Trillick - Kilskeery - Enniskillen area. A resident in the colony of NSW, he paid a deposit of £2 on 3 December 1879 for the passage of James John Henderson, 22, son of Dorothy Betty and John Henderson of "Laughterush" [Loughterush] near Kilskeery, Tyrone: making the deposit, John noted James as a farmer aged 17 and referee as Jas Morrow of the same address. James emigrated with his uncle Andrew McGregor Beattie aboard the Peterborough which departed Plymouth, arriving Sydney on 26 August 1880. James and Andrew both moved to the Oberon district. John also paid a deposit of £2 on 3 December 1879 for the passage of his older brother Christopher: that deposit was refunded in August 1880, but John paid a second deposit on 15 January 1881 (Christopher, 34, emigrated in the Hereford arriving in Sydney on 22 April 1882). Christopher and John's older sister Ann Jane Phair was also, since at least 1871, a NSW resident.

There are no NSW records indicating John married or had issue. He ran a successful bakery business in East Maitland, which Christopher joined. Ann's husband James Wyllie was also a successful baker at East Maitland.

John Gerard Phair (58) was enumerated in the 1911 Irish census at Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, Co Tyrone, with his mother Mary (90) and younger siblings Eliza (56) and James (54).

John Gerard Phair, son of JOHN and MARY, died on 24 February 1926 aged 71 years (viz. born circa 1855). Both were buried in East Maitland General Cemetery (Presbyterian portion, row 13). The death of John Gerard Phair, registered at West Maitland, was reported in The Maitland Weekly Mercury on Saturday 27 February 1926 (p4):
Mr. John Gerald Phair a well known resident of East Maitland for many years, died in the Riverview Private Hospital on Wednesday. The late Mr. Phair was a native of Ireland. He took a particularly keen interest in the affairs of the East Maitland Literary Institute. He was a vice-president and a committeeman for a number of years, and a trustee up to the time of his death. Deceased was also associated with the East Maitland Bowling Club. He was seized with a stroke a few weeks ago and that eventually caused his death. He was a bachelor.
The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate of Friday 26 February 1926 (p8) advised:
PHAIR.—The friends of the late JOHN G. PHAIR are invited to attend his funeral: To move from St. Peter's Church, E. Maitland, THIS MORNING, at 10.30 o'c., for the East Maitland cemetery. FRY BROS., Funeral Directors, Maitland and Cessnock.
The Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate on Thursday 2 September 1943 (p5) advertised:
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES.—PROBATE JURISDICTION-In the Will of JOHN GERARD PHAIR late of East Maitland in the State of New South Wales Retired Baker deceased NOTICE is hereby given that the Seventeenth Accounts and Plan of Distribution in the above Estate have been filed this day in my office Sydney and all persons having any interest in the said Estate may come in before me at my said Office on or before the Eleventh day of October next at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon and inspect the same and if they shall think fit object thereto: otherwise if the said accounts be not objected to, the same will be examined by me and passed according to law And Notice is also hereby given that on the allowance of the said Accounts by the Court commission will be applied for on behalf of the Executors DATED this Twenty-fifth day of August in the year One thousand nine hundred and forty-three. CHAS. E. BUTCHART. Registrar. JOHNSON & O'NEILL. Solicitors for the Executors. Newcastle. 8753

1.2.5  Eliza Phair (c1855-59…1922)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland]

Spinster Eliza Phair, daughter of JOHN and MARY, born about 1855-59 in Co Tyrone, Ireland, was living with her mother Mary and younger brother James in Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, Co Tyrone, at the time of the 1901 Irish census (age noted as 42) and at the time of the 1911 Irish census (age noted as 56).

Loughterush was the residence of Eliza's brother Christopher in 1879 and was probably her birthplace.

It appears Eliza never married or had children. She died on 6 February 1922, aged 71 according to her headstone, and was buried in the Kilskeery Church of Ireland churchyard with her mother. The Maitland Daily Mercury in NSW of Thursday 30 March 1922 (p4) reported:
Death of Miss Eliza Phair. Mrs. James Wyllie of "Aberdeen," East Maitland, has received word of the death of her only surviving sister, Miss Eliza Phair, which took place at Laughterush, Kelsherry, County Tyrone, Ireland, at the age of 68 years, on February 6.

1.2.6  James Phair (c1861-67…1922+)
[Co Tyrone, Ireland]

Bachelor James Phair, son of JOHN and MARY, born about 1861-67 in Co Tyrone, Ireland, was living with his mother Mary and older sister Eliza in Loughterush townland, Kilskeery parish, Co Tyrone, at the time of the 1901 Irish census (age noted as 40) and at the time of the 1911 Irish census (age noted as 54).

Loughterush was the residence of James' brother Christopher in 1879 and was probably James' birthplace.

It appears James never married or had children. He was noted as a brother living in Ireland in the October 1922 obituary of his sister Ann.

1.3 Thomas Phair (c1800…1827+) m. Jane (…)
[Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland]

Thomas Phair (born say circa 1800) and his wife Jane were the parents of at least one child:
  • ANN PHAIR (born circa 1827, apparently in Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland, or nearby; emigrated to New South Wales by 1850; as Ann Sloggett, died near Oberon NSW Australia on 1 August 1909; married Cornishman William Sloggett in 1850 at Bathurst NSW, with twelve known issue).

1.3.1 Ann Phair (1827…1909) m. William Sloggett (1824…1908)
[Ireland → NSW; Altarnun, Cornwall eng → Bathurst - Oberon, NSW]

Ann Phair (born c1827, apparently in Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, or nearby, daughter of THOMAS and JANE) emigrated to New South Wales by 1850 and married William Sloggett (born c1825, Altarnun, Cornwall) in a Presbyterian ceremony at Bathurst in 1850, the couple having twelve children:
  • ANN J SLOGETT (baptised Wesleyan Methodist at Hill End in 1851; perhaps married John T Green, Oberon, 1895; the death of an Ann J Green, daughter of William and Ann, was registered at Bathurst in 1928),
  • ELIZABETH SLOGETT (baptised Wesleyan Methodist at Hill End in 1853; died 1943 at Chatswood; married John Lambert, Bathurst, 1877; the death of an Elizabeth Lambert, daughter of William and Anne, was registered at Chatswood in 1943),
  • MARY SELINA SLOGGETT (baptised Wesleyan Methodist at Bowenfels in 1854; married Thomas Luxton, Bathurst, 1878; died 25 June 1892, with issue),
  • ELLEN SLOGGETT (born 1856 near Bathurst; died 1858),
  • WILLIAM J SLOGGATT (born 1858 near Bathurst),
  • HELEN SLOGGETT (born 1861 near Bathurst; died at North Sydney in 1939; married widower brother-in-law Thomas Luxton in 1898),
  • JOHN PHAIR SLOGGETT (born 1863 near Bathurst; emigrated to New Zealand with his family; died 1935 in Auckland, New Zealand; married Eliza Sarah Hunt, Oberon, 1894, three issue),
  • MARGERY PHAIR SLOGGETT (born 1865 near Bathurst, died 1941; two issue),
  • THOMAS RICHARD SLOGGATT (born 1868 near Bathurst, died 1945),
  • EDMUND JAMES SLOGGATT (born 1870 Oberon, died 1942; married Elizabeth Eaton, Oberon, 1902),
  • CAROLINE SLOGGATT (born 1873 near Bathurst; married Simon Wilcox, Oberon, 1896) and
  • FANNY MAUD SLOGGETT (born and died in 1876 near Bathurst).
The 1930 NSW Electoral Roll shews Edmund James Sloggett (farmer), Elizabeth Sloggett (home duties), Henry Sloggett (farmer), John Sloggett (labourer), Margery Phair Sloggett (home duties) and Thomas Richard Sloggett (farmer) at "Mulberry Hill", Norway [near Oberon] and Vera May Sloggett (home duties) at Norway. Some of theses are obviously children of William and Ann, some may be children-in-law or grandchildren.

William Sloggett, aged 83, son of WILLIAM and JANE, died on 29 July 1908 and was buried on 30 July 1908 in the Oberon General Cemetery; the National Advocate (Bathurst) of Saturday 1 August 1908 (p1) noted:
William Sloggett, a well-known Oberon dairy farmer, was found dead near his home on Thursday.

Ann Sloggett née Phair, aged 82, daughter of THOMAS and JANE, died on 4 August 1909 [her headstone in Oberon General Cemetery (Anglican portion) has 25 August 1909]. Ann apparently hailed from Enniskillen. The Bathurst Daily Argus of Tuesday 10 August 1909 (p1) reported:
Mrs. Sloggett, relict of the late William Sloggott, passed away at her residence, near Oberon, on Wednesday night, after a long and painful illness. Mrs. Sloggett was well known for her kindness and hospitality, and was greatly respected throughout this district. The deceased had reached the ripe old age of 83 years, and leaves a large family of grown-up sons and daughters, to whom the deepest sympathy is extended. The funeral, which took place to-day, was largely attended. The remains were laid to rest in the Church of England portion of the General Cemetery. The service was conducted by Mr. Robertson.

For further details on this family see the Wilcox-Sloggett file.

1.4  Phair Miscellany

William Phair, a 30 year old literate bachelor, member of the Church of England, a labourer from Leitrim, Ireland, disembarked from the Shooting Star in Melbourne on 16 December 1858 on his own account; the Shooting Star had departed Liverpool on 16 September to arrive in Melbourne on 11 December. Another passenger in the Shooting Star was spinster Margaret Phair, 23 or 25, a general servant, member of the Church of England, from Leitrim. It is unclear whether either William or Margaret were at all related to the Phairs who settled in the Oberon district. A deposit of £5 was paid on 27 May 1856 by Mary Jane Phair for the assisted immigration of 26-year old William Phair (dep#98, reel 2668); the deposit was refunded in 1858, “Time expired”.

The Shooting Star had previously carried Robert Coleman Eaton, his wife Sarah Beatty, and their children, who settled at Oberon NSW after disembarking in Melbourne in February 1858. The Shooting Star had carried the equivalent of 396½ statute adults as emigrants.

Ann Phair, aged 27, emigrated to Australia in 1883 aboard the Allanshaw.
On its 1884 voyage to Australia, the Peterborough brought agricultural labourer Joseph Phair, aged 20, from Cavan: he was CoE, could read and write, and professed to have no relatives in the colony.

James Henry Berry (son of FRANCIS WILLIAM BERRY by his second wife LYDIA STANFORD) was born on 11 September 1843 in Newcastle, NSW. James married Louisa Phair on 5 June 1867 in Surry Hills, NSW. Louisa was born 3 in 1846 in Ireland, a daughter of ROBERT and ELIZA. James and Louisa had the following children:
  • ELIZA BERRY (born 8 June 1868; died on 6 May 1940),
  • AMY LOUISA BERRY (born in 1870; died on 9 Jul 1924),
  • HENRY R BERRY (born in 1872; died in 1875; married Margaret A Anderson in 1908 in Waterloo NSW),
  • LILY BERRY (born in 1874 in Sydney; died in 1945 in Marrickville, NSW; married (1) Joseph Smith in 1901 in Sydney; married (2) Thomas D Hutchinson in 1902 in Petersham, NSW),
  • PERCY BERRY (born in 1875 in Sydney; married Clara Little in September 1900 in Petersham),
  • ALFRED BERRY (born in 1877 in Sydney; married Elma Sales in 1901 in Marrickville ) and
  • ERNEST WILLIAM BERRY (born in 1881 in Sydney; married Dorothy Hoskin in 1905 at Ashfield, NSW).
James Henry Berry, son of FRANCIS WILLIAM BERRY by his second wife LYDIA STANFORD, died on 5 March 1885 at Summer Hill, NSW. Louisa Berry née Phair, daughter of ROBERT and ELIZA, died on 18 June 1927 in Sans Souci, NSW.

2. The Sloggetts [England; Bathurst - Oberon, NSW]

The provenance for the Sloggett name appears to be southwest England [Cornwall, Devon]. Some Sloggetts settled on the Central Tablelands region of New South Wales, others about Tamworth and Dubbo in NSW. Some emigrated to South Australia and Victoria


Anything to add?
If you have any queries about this family, or information to add, please eMail
Ross Beattie
here for further contact details]