Ross Beattie's Hamilton & Hetherington Lineage
please contact Ross Beattie for further details
This Page was Last Updated on 15th May 2013
Locality / Provenance
Early Generations

Locality / Provenance

This Hamilton family has been traced back to the Kilskeery - Lowtherstown region of Ulster. Three lines traced emigrated to New South Wales in the mid-1800s, settling, initially, about Wollongong and the NSW Illawarra - Shoalhaven district. One line went to the USA (New York, Oregon and North Dakota.

The Hetherington family has also been traced back to the Kilskeery - Lowtherstown region of Ulster, with descendants emigrating to New South Wales in the mid-1800s and also settling, initially, about Wollongong and the NSW Illawarra - Shoalhaven district, along with related Rutledge, Grey / Gray and other families.

Early Generations


1  William Hamilton (c1800…1855+) m. Jane Allen (c1800…1855+)
[Kilskeery , Tyrone]

This section is based on information from John Chappell (pers comm. March 2013) and publicly available sources, including the resurgent excellent FermanaghGold WebSite [especially work thereon by William (Bud) Flanagan, Vynette Sage and George Armstrong].

William Hamilton and Jane Allen of Feglish, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, were parents of (at least):

In NSW, James Hetherington had paid £10.0.0 total on 8 June 1854 towards the cost of passage of William Hamilton, aged “about 30”, and Elizabeth Hamilton, aged “about 20”. The Remittance Register for the Matoaka recorded William as 33 and Eliza Jane as 25.

William Hamilton then paid £8.0.0 total on 30 June 1860 towards the cost of passage of farm labourers Allan Hamilton, 23, of Drumsonnus [Drumsonnus], Co Tyrone, Ireland [nominated referee “Revd Arthur Irwin, C. of E. C., of Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland”], and John Ramsay, 22, of Glenall, Co Fermanagh, Ireland [nominated referee “Revd J. N. Rutledge, C. of E. C., Derravollan”]; they were destined for the Queen Bee. Allan Hamilton. 26, single, farm labourer, from Kilskirry [Kilskeery], Tyrone, CoE and able to read and write, and John Ramsay, 22, single, farm labourer, from Lowtherstown, Fermanagh, CoE and able to read and write, duly arrived in Sydney in the Queen Bee on 31 March 1861.

1.1  John Hamilton (1820…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone]

John Hamilton, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of Feglish, was baptised on 31 January 1820 at Kilskeery CoI parish church, Tyrone, Fermanagh..

1.2  William Hamilton (1821…1889) m. Margaret Ramsey (c1834…1910)
[Kilskeery , Tyrone –> Wollongong NSW]

William Hamilton, baptised 7 September 1821, Kilskeery CoI, Tyrone, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to NSW in the Matoaka (1855). William’s marriage to Margaret Ramsey was recorded in the Church of England registers at Jamberoo, Kiama, Shoalhaven, in November 1855. The NSW Assisted Immigrant passenger list for the Matoaka notes Margaret Ramsay as 21, a farm servant, native place Durravullan [Derryvullan] Fermanagh, daughter of FRANCIS and JANE both living at Durravullan, CoE and able to read, and William Hamilton as 33, an agricultural labourer, native place Kilskeery Tyrone, CoE and able to both read and write. The 1835 Tithe Applotments list Francis Ramsay at Ballindoughlough Inner and Glenaull Glebe townlands, Derryvullen. Margaret's brother John Ramsay emigrated to NSW with her brother-in-law Allen Hamilton in the Queen Bee in 1861, assisted financially by William.

William and Margaret were parents of (at least):

William and Margaret were the first of the free selectors at Otford to pay for the freehold of their land: his descendants finally sold the farm in the 1970s. The death of William Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and JANE, was registered at Woonona in 1889, The Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday 28 September 1909 (p14) noted: “HAMILTON.-On September 26, 1889, William Hamilton, dearly beloved husband of Margaret Hamilton, Riverdale, Otford; also Thomas Henry Hamilton, who departed this life June 13, 1905, son of the above. Dead, but not forgotten. Inserted by their loving wife and mother.” William was buried at St Augustine's, Bulli.

Margaret Hamilton, daughter of FRANCIS and JANE, died on 27 August 1910, and was buried in the Anglican Cemetery at Wollogong. funeral announcements were published in The Sydney Morning Herald on Monday 29 August 1910 (p16).

The death of a William Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and JANE, was registered at Redfern in 1950.

1.2.1  Irvine Hamilton (1862…1908) m. Dorothy Culgin (1865…1944)

The birth of Irvine Hamilton, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and MARGARET RAMSAY of Co Tyrone, Ireland, was registered at Wollongong in 1862. Irvine's marriage to Dorothy Culgin was registered at Broughton Creek [the alluvial plain between Berry and the Shoalhaven River] in 1889. Dorothy's birth, to THOMAS and JANE, was registered at Wollongong in 1865. Irvine and Dorothy were parents of (at least):

The Sydney Morning Herald on Wednesday 29 October 1890 (p6) noted: "TENDERS, For the construction of irrigation beds at the Sewage Farm, Botany, four tenders were received, and that of Mr. Irvine Hamilton, for £467 1s 4d accepted." Irvine undertook this contract in partnership with his brother William.

Irvine Hamilton, a Brother in the Lodge Booralee Lodge, and a resident at the Tennyson Hotel, North Botany, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and MARGARET RAMSAY, died on 5 August 1908, as registered at Waterloo in Sydney, The Sydney Morning Herald of Thursday 6 August 1908 (p12) publishing funeral notices.

The Sydney Morning Herald of Saturday 7 November 1908 (p11) reported:

The Licensing Bench at the Central Police Court on Thursday granted the transfers of the following licenses:- … Tennyson Hotel, Botany, Dorothy Hamilton (widow and executrix of the late Irvine Hamilton) to herself; …

The Sydney Morning Herald of Wednesday 13 April 1910 (p6) later reported:

At the Redfern Police Court, before Mr. Love, D.S.M., Dorothy Hamilton, licensee of the Tennyson Hotel, Botany-road, North Botany, was charged with having a pint measure which was unjust 3oz. Mr. Stinson appeared for the defendant, and pleaded guilty. The measure, it was stated, was used for serving beer. Defendant stated she had been using the measure for 18 months, not knowing it was incorrect, There were six measures at the back of the premises, not in use, and these were correct. Defendant was fined £5, and 6s costs, in default imprisonment for one month, A moiety of the fine was ordered to be paid to the Police Reward fund.
Henry Tasker, of North Botany, was charged with having from a cart in Tramway-street, North Botany, used a spring weighing machine which was unjust 8oz. Defendant pleaded guilty. It was stated that defendant was weighing potatoes on the machine. Defendant, who was not driving the cart at the time, admitted that the machine in question was his, but that he only had it in use since March 14. He, was fined £5 and costs 6s, in default imprisonment for one month.

The Sydney Morning Herald on Friday 5 December 1913 (p7) advised: “LICENSING COURT. The following transfers of publicans' licenses were granted at Thursday's sitting of the Metropolitan Licensing Court.-From Dorothy Hamilton to Douglas M'Dowall, Tennyson Hotel, Botany-road, Botany, …”

The death of Dorothy Hamilton, daughter of THOMAS and JANE, was registered at Redfern in 1944, The Sydney Morning Herald on Tuesday 21 November 1944 (p10) noting: "HAMILTON.-November 19, 1944, at her residence, 151 King Street, Mascot, Dorothy, widow of Irvine Hamilton and loving mother of William, Lilian, Daisy, and Ivy (Mrs. G. Shirley), aged 79 years."

1.2.2  Thomas Henry Hamilton (1869…1905)

The birth of Thomas Henry Hamilton, son of immigrants WILLIAM HAMILTON and MARGARET RAMSAY from Co Tyrone, Ireland, was registered at Wollongong in 1869. It appears Thomas never married.

Thomas Henry Hamilton, son WILLIAM HAMILTON and MARGARET RAMSAY, died on 13 June 1905 at Riverdale, Otford, and was buried in the Anglican Cemetery at Bulli. The Sydney Morning Herald of Thursday 15 June 1905 (p12) carried several funeral notices.

1.3  Eliza Jane Hamilton (1829…1896) m. John Beattie (c1825…1889)
[Kilskeery , Tyrone –> NSW]

Eliza Jane Hamilton, daughter of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of of Co Tyrone, Ireland,was baptised 22 May 1829 at Kilskeery CoI. Elizabeth emigrated to NSW in the Matoaka (1855). Also aboard the Matoaka was John Beattie, son of WILLIAM BEATTY of Magheracross, Co Fermanagh. The NSW Assisted Immigrant passenger list for the Matoaka notes Elizabeth Hamilton as 25, a farm servant / never in service, native place Kilskeery, Tyrone, CoE and able to both read and write, an uncle James Harrington living in Wollongong, and John Beattie, 25, an agricultural / farm labourer from Maghracrofs [Magheracross], Fermanagh, CoE and able to both read and write, a sister at the depot [presumably Eliza – ed.].

John Beatty and Eliza Jane Hamilton were married in a Wesleyan Methodist ceremony in 1855 at Wollongong on NSW's Illawarra coast, about 100km south of Sydney, and they were the parents of some nine children.

Also listed in the NSW Assisted Immigrant passenger list for the Matoaka were Eliza's elder brother William Hamilton, 33, an agricultural / farm labourer from Kilskeery Tyrone, son of William and Jane living in Kilskeery, CoE and able to both read and write, “A Cousin James Hetherington living at Wollongong”.

Another Matoaka passenger were John's younger sister Eliza Beatty, 19, a housemaid from Maracross [Magheracross], Fermanagh, daughter of William and Jane living near Maracross, CoE, Two Uncles Richard and Towngle* Robinson supposed to be resident in Sydney; and Margaret Ramsey, 21, farm servant / never in service, from nearby Durravullan [Derryvullan], Fermanagh, daughter of Francis and Jane living at Derryvullan, CoE, both, no relations living in the colony. The marriage of William Hamilton and Margaret Ramsey was recorded in the Church of England registers at Jamberoo, Kiama, Shoalhaven, in 1855: they has some twelve or thirteen children.

Allen Roy Hamilton, brother of William and Eliza Jane, also emigrated to NSW and married at Wollongong in 1866, starting his family there before moving to Gulgong in Central NSW.

John Beattie died on 15 July 1889, aged 65 years, and was buried at Wollongong. His wife Elizabeth Jane Beattie née Hamilton died 27 December 1896, aged 63 years, and was buried in the same grave.

For further information on this Beattie family at Wollongong refer to the Beattie file

1.4  Allen Roy Hamilton (…1915) m. Mary Jane McPaul (1847…1913)
[Kilskeery , Tyrone –> NSW]

Allen Roy Hamilton, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of of Co Tyrone, Ireland, emigrated to NSW. Allen's marriage to Mary Jane McPaul was registered at Wollongong in 1866. Mary was born at Charcoal NSW on 26 February 1847 to GEORGE McPAUL and MARY MILLER. Allen and Mary were parents of (at least):

The death of Mary J Hamilton, daughter of GEORGE and MARY, aged 66, on 10 April 1913, was registered at Gulgong. Allen Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and JANE, died aged 83 on 30 April 1915, the death registered at Gulgong. They were buried the Anglican portion of Gulgong General Cemetery.

The death of an Allen Roy Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and MARY, was registered at Liverpool in 1958. The birth of an Allan R Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and MARY, had been registered at Canterbury in 1918.

1.5  Jane Hamilton (1836…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone]

Jane Hamilton, daughter of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of Feglish, was baptised on 1 April 1836 at Kilskeery CoI parish church, Tyrone, Fermanagh.

1.6  Irvine King Hamilton (c1838…1915) m1. Anne Jane Moffett (1842…1881); m2. Henrietta Armstrong (c1839…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> USA]

This section is base on information from An History of the Robert Lindsay Family of Makenny, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland by Martin S. Lindsay, 4598 Edgeware Road, San Diego, California 92116-4723 USA [2000], and the Clan Moffat Genealogy WebSite, augmented by records publicly available or on
Carole Elliott [per eMail 09jul2013] contributed information regarding Ann Jane Moffatt's family and the related Elliotts.

Irvine King Hamilton, son of WILLIAM and JANE HAMILTON of Drumsonnus townland, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland, was born about 1838 and baptised baptised 21 October 1838 at Kilskeery CoI. Irvine was probably named after John G. Irvine or Rev. Arthur H. Irvine, both local landlords in Kilskeery. William Hamilton was a tenant farmer who lived in Drumsonnus townland in 1860. He leased 25 acres, including his house and buildings, from James Lendrum.

Irvine Hamilton married Anne Jane Moffett on 1 March 1861 at Kilskeery. Anne, born in 1842 on Makenny townland, Kilskeery, was a daughter of GEORGE MOFFETT (1806 -?1894) [brother of Carole Elliott's G/G/Grandfather John Moffat (1799-1884)] and CATHERINE ELLIOTT (of Makenny; possibly the daughter of Robert). In 1860, George Moffett and his family lived as tenant farmers in the Makenny townland of Kilskeery parish, County Tyrone, Ireland (Drumharvey Electoral Division, Lowtherstown Poor Law Union). George leased his house, offices, and two parcels of land from Reverend Thomas Morgan, for a total of about 24 acres. There was also a John Moffett in the vicinity-perhaps his brother-who leased 15 acres.

Irvine and Anne had eight children:

Anne Jane Moffett died on 31 May 1881 at the age of 39.

Irvine then married Henrietta Armstrong, with issue:

Irvine King Hamilton died 18 May 1915.

1.6.1  Lizzie Hamilton (1864…1912) m. John James Lindsay (1852…1925)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> Oregon, North Dakota USA]

Lizzie Hamilton, daughter of IRVINE KING HAMILTON and ANNE JANE MOFFETT of Drumsonnus townland, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland, was born 1 January 1864 at Enniskillen. Lizzie emigrated to the USA [apparently in 1882] where she married Irish-born John James Lindsay on 16 October 1886 at Muscatine, Muscatine Co., Iowa, USA. John had been born 2 December 1852 on Makenny Townland near Ballinamallard, Fermanagh. Lizzie bore John six children:

Lizzie Lindsay née Hamilton died 15 February 1912 at Rock Lake, Towner Co., North Dakota. John James Lindsay died on 13 May 1925 at Eugene, Lane Co., Oregon.

1.6.2  Rebecca Jane Hamilton (1868…1962) m. Elmer Corbin Latham (1863… 1946)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> New York; Iowa; North Dakota; Oregon USA]

Rebecca Jane Hamilton, daughter of IRVINE KING HAMILTON and ANNE JANE MOFFETT of Drumsonnus townland, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland, was born 24 January 1868 at Drumsonnis, near Ballinamallard. Rebecca emigrated aged 18 to the USA from Moville arriving in New York on 14 September 1886 in the Circassia. Rebecca married Elmer Corbin Latham on 4 April 1889 at Muscatine, Muscatine Co., Iowa. Elmer had been born on 24 June 1863 at Preston, Fillmore Co., Minnesota. Lizzie bore John ten children:

Elmer Corbin Latham died 12 December 1946, Eugene, Lane Co., Oregon. Rebecca Jane Latham née Hamilton died 11 July 1962 at Eugene.

1.6.3  William King Hamilton (1876…1955) m1. Jennie E Emerson (…1924)
m2. Florence Metzger (1892…1951)

[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> Oregon USA]

William King Hamilton, son of IRVINE KING HAMILTON and ANNE JANE MOFFETT of Drumsonnus townland, Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, Ireland, was born on 12 July 1876. William married Irish-born Jennie E Emerson about 1901. Jennie had emigrated to the USA in 1893: arriving in New York on 2 September 1893 from Londonderry in the City of Rome, she was listed as Janie Emerson, 35, no occupation, able to read and write, from Ireland, last residence Derry, intended destination Brooklyn, a sojourner, travelling 2nd class with one piece of baggage. William Hamilton had emigrated from Londonderry arriving in New York on 18 May 1895, also in the City of Rome.
William and Jennie had three children:

William (34, a builder (skylight)) is listed in the 1910 US Census at 42 Arlington, Jersey City Ward 7, Hudson, New Jersey, with Jennie (35) and children Harry (8), Helen (6) [this was probably Allen] and Anna (5). Jennie had been married to William for nine years, bearing three children all of whom were still alive.

William's World War I Draft Registration card, dated 12 September 1918, notes him as living at 6110 36 Avenue, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, aged 42, birth date 12 July 1876, naturalised, a carpenter employed by Foundation Co., of Front and Nicolai, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, his nearest relative being Jennie E Hamilton.

William (42, a carpenter) is listed in the 1920 US Census at 6110 36 Avenue, Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, with his wife Jennie E Hamilton (43) and children Harry Hamilton (17, a carpenter), Allen (16) and Anna Hamilton (14).

The 1930 US Census shews Harry L Hamilton (27, a carpenter) at 1555 Washington Street, Eugene, Lane, Oregon, with his wife Leila G Hamilton (24) and daughter Patritia A Hamilton (7 months), and his siblings Anna J Hamilton (25, single, a graduate nurse) and Allen E Hamilton (26, single, an electrician). Harry was 26 when he married, Leila had been 23: she had been born in Washingto, her father from Wales, her mother from Missouri.

Jennie E Hamilton died 28 July 1924 at Multnomah, Oregon. William later (probably late 1926) married Florence L Metzger. Florence had been born on 7 November 1892. William and Florence had two issue :

The 5 April 1930 US Census shews William K Hamilton (51, a building contractor) at 1144 West St - 10th Avenue, Eugene, Lane, Oregon, with his wife Florence L Hamilton (77) and their daughter Betty Lu Hamilton (2 years 9 months). Florence had been born in Indiana, her father from Ohio and mother from Indiana. William had been 23 when he first married [to Jeannie], Florence 34 when she married [to William: viz. C1926].

William (63, a carpenter) is listed in the 1940 US Census at Cherry Avenue, North Davis, Lane County, Oregon, with his wife Florence L Hamilton (47) and children Betty L Hamilton (12) and Bonnie L Hamilton (8).

Florence L Hamilton, wife of William, died on 30 April 1951 in Lane County, Oregon, and was buried at Rest-Haven Memorial Park, Eugene.

William King Hamilton died on 19 September 1955 at Eugene, Lane County.

2  William Hetherington ( …) m. Jane Grey (…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> ]

This section is based on entries in Illawarra Pioneers Pre-1900, compiled and edited by Illawarra Family History Group Inc., 1988, George Armstrong's parish record transcriptions on the Fermanagh-GOLD WebSite, Faye Oppitz on [accessed 25apr2013], David Bromwich's "Extended Bromwich Family tree April 2013" [accessed 29apr2013]David Bromwich's "Extended Bromwich Family tree April 2013" [accessed 29apr2013], Neville Higgins on [accessed 29apr2013] and other publicly available sources.
Farmer William Hetherington and his wife Jane Grey, of Tyrone, were the parents of [at least):

Jane Hetherington, John Hetherington and his family emigrated to NSW aboard the Crescent, arriving in Sydney on 11 February 1840, settling in the coastal Illawarra district south of Sydney.

2.1  John Hetherington (c1787-99…1872) m. Elinor Hamilton (c1800…1868)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> NSW]

Whitesmith John Hetherington, son of WILLIAM HETHERINGTON and his wife JANE GREY, married Elinor Hamilton, daughter of farmer JOHN HAMILTON and ELIZABETH GREY his wife, of Tyrone.The Sydney Morning Herald noted that John Hetherington died aged 85 at West Dapto, New South Wales, on 2 September 1872 [implying he was born circa 1787], though NSW immigration details had his age as 40 in February 1840 [implying he was born circa 1799]; his earliest known issue was baptised mid-1818. Tithe Applotment Books list John Hetherington at Fairney townland, parish of Kilskeery, Tyrone, in 1826. John and Elinor were the parents of (at least):

Whitesmith John Hetherington (40) and his wife, housekeeper Ellenor Hetherington (39), with their children Jane (farm servant, unmarried, 22, native of Kilskirry [Kilskeery], Tyrone, able to read, parents “John and Ellen passengers on same ship”), James ([surname written as Hedrington] labourer, unmarried, 15, native of Tyrone, able to read, parents “John whitesmith same place and Eleanor his wife there”), Christopher (16), Elizabeth (14), Mary (10) and Margaret (8), emigrated aboard the Crescent, arriving in Sydney on 11 February 1840 (brought out to NSW by the Government as Bounty Immigrants). Their 'state of bodily health, strength, and probable usefullness' was noted as 'very good', their religion noted as Protestant and they had 'no complaints'. John was noted as able to read. They soon settled in the coastal Illawarra district south of Sydney. The census taken 2 March 1841 shews John Hetherington listed at Garden Hill, Illawarra.

The death of Eleanor Hetherington was registered at Wollongong in 1868, noting her parents as Allan and Elizabeth: a user-submitted comment on said that those were the parents of her husband; one WebSite has Eleanor deceased on 10 February 1868 at Dapto.

John Hetherington, aged 85, died at the residence of his daughter Mary at West Dapto on 2 September 1872 [a newspaper notice gave his age as 85, implying he was born circa 1787].

John and Elinor Hamilton were buried at Dapto: their headstone was still legible in 2002.

2.1.1  Jane Hetherington (1818…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> Wollongong NSW]

Jane Hetherington, daughter of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELEANOR HAMILTON of Fearney [Ferney] townland, was baptised on 13 May 1818 at Kilskeery CoI parish church, Tyrone. Jane (22) emigrated with her parents and siblings aboard the Crescent, arriving in Sydney on 11 February 1840, settling in the Illawarra – Shoalhaven region south of Sydney soon thereafter.

2.1.2  John Hetherington (c1820…1857) m. Jane Grey (c1811…1897)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> Wollongong, Berry NSW]

John Hetherington, son of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELEANOR HAMILTON, was born circa 1820 at Ferney townland, Kilskeery, Tyrone. John married Jane Grey at Tubrid, Drumkerin, Fermanagh, on 8 July 1839. John and Jane emigrated with his parents and his siblings aboard the Crescent, arriving in Sydney on 11 February 1840. Jane, born circa 1811, was noted to be a married farm servant, daughter of Tyrone farmer JOHN GREY and his wife MARY HETHERINGTON: her 'state of bodily health, strength, and probable usefullness' was noted as 'very good', religion as Protestant and ahe had 'no complaints'; she was noted as able to read. : Jane's brother George Grey was the overseer at Riversdale, Kiama, where Chistopher Hetherington and family settled initially. George, born at Shanmullagh, Fermanagh, on 26 May 1802, had emigrated to NSW aboard the Brothers, arriving in Sydney on 11 March 1841, along with his sister Mary Ann Wilson née Gray (baptised 13 March 1814 at Shanmullagh; died 12 February 1865 at Kiama; married Thomas Wilson on 27 May 1834 at Ardess, Fermanagh, nine or ten issue).

John and Jane were the parents of (at least):

John Hetherington, farmer and innkeeper, died on 25 March 1857 at Broughton's Creek south of Berry, NSW: he drowned while swimming horses across a flooded creek at Broughton's Pass.

Widowed Jane Hetherington then married Henry Crozier in Wollongong. Perhaps Henry was related to Mary Crozier, born circa 1832 at Dromore, Tyrone, to James Crozier: she had married Hugh Sproule (born circa 1814 at Grennan, Tyrone) in 1853 at Dromore, Tyrone, and emigrated to NSW with Hugh and three of their children aboard the Forfarshire, arriving in Sydney in 1882; Mary died on 18 January 1909 and was buried at Jamberoo.

After her second marriage, Jane and her son Christopher ran The Fermanagh Hotel in Kiama [later the site of the Tory Hotel] before moving with Christopher to his selection Laureldale at Cowlong near Lismore in north-eastern NSW.

Jane Crozier formerly Hetherington née Grey died 15 September 1891 at Laureldale and was buried at Bexhill NSW.  Mary Jane Hetherington (1840…1894) m. Neil McAra (c1835…1871)
[Wollongong, Balmain NSW]

Mary Jane Hetherington, daughter of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife JANE GREY, was born 1 May 1840 at Figtree, NSW. Mary's marriage to Neil McAra was registered at Wollongong in 1858, The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday 22 April 1858 announcing: “MARRIAGES. On Wednesday, 14th April, by special license, at the Commercial Hotel, Wollongong, by the Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, Niel McAra, second son of the late Dr. McAra, Perth, Scotland, to Mary Jane only daughter of the late John Hetherington, of Wollongong.”. Neil and Mary were the parents of:

The death of Neil McAra, aged 36, at Kiama, was registered at Kiama in 1871.

Mary's address in September 1872 was “Mrs M'Cara, of Maitland House, Balmain”. The death of Mary Jane McAra née Hetherington, daughter of John and Jane, was registered at Petersham, Sydney, in 1894.  Christopher Hetherington (1844…1919) m. Jane Johnston (1850…1924)
[Wollongong, Lismore NSW]

per Joanne Marsh on [last update 05may2010, accessed 25apr2013].
Christopher Hetherington, son of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife JANE GREY, was born 21 January 1844 at Riversdale, Kiama, NSW. Christopher's 1866 marriage to Jane Johnston at Gerringong on 19 December 1866 was registered at Kiama in 1867. Jane had been born in 1850 in Drumkeeran parish in northern Fermanagh; she had emigrated aged 8 in the Fitz James, arriving in Sydney on 1 April 1857 with her parents JOHN JOHNSTON (30, farm labourer, son of John and Jane, both deceased), mother JANE (28, farm servant, daughter of Robert) and siblings Robert (11, born Glasgow), John (5, born Drumkeeran) and Andrew (1, born Drumkeeran). Christopher and Jane were the parents of fourteen children:

Joanne Marsh (2010) noted:
Born and raised in Kiama, Christopher was both a butcher and publican, running the Fermanagh Hotel in Terralong St where his mother was the licencee.
Following his move north in 1878, he selected 640 acres at Laureldale (between Eltham and Booyong). Here he prospered, and in 1889 he purchased "Haughwood", a 1900-acre property at Coraki, where he lived until his death.
In 1904, the property at Laureldale was sold to his cousin, William Henry GRAY.
Christy was a fine athlete and sportsman. He owned several race horses including Crazy Jane which won the Goulburn Cup in 1873, and Tattersalls Cup at Randwick in 1874.

Christopher Hetherington, son of JOHN and JANE, died 14 July 1919 at Coraki NSW, his death registered at Casino: Lismore's Northern Star on Tuesday 15 July 1919 (p1) noted: “The friends of the late CHRISTOPHER HETHERINGTON are invited to attend his FUNERAL, to move from his late residence, "Haughwood," at 12 noon THIS DAY for the Coraki Cemetery. JOHN McMULLEN, Undertaker.”

The death of Jane Hetherington née Johnston, daughter of JOHN and JANE, on 19 December 1924 at Coraki, was registered at Casino.

2.1.3  James Hetherington (1821…1884?) m. Mary Ann Graham (…)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone –> NSW]

James Hetherington, son of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELEANOR HAMILTON, was baptised 7 September 1821 at Kilskeery CoI parish church. The marriage of a James Heatherington and Mary Anne Graham at Dapto NSW on 8 February 1842 was entered in the CoE registers for Camden, St John's, Oaks, Picton, Stonequarry and for Dapto, Wollongong. James and Mary were the parents of (at least):

In NSW, James Hetherington had paid £10.0.0 total on 8 June 1854 towards the cost of passage of William Hamilton, aged “about 30”, and Elizabeth Hamilton, aged “about 20”. The Remittance Register for the Matoaka recorded William as aged 33 and Eliza Jane as aged 25. The NSW Assisted Immigrant passenger list for the Matoaka notes William Hamilton, son of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN living in Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, as aged 33, an agricultural / farm labourer from Kilskeery Tyrone, CoE and able to both read and write, “A Cousin James Hetherington living at Wollongong”, and Elizabeth Hamilton, daughter of WILLIAM HAMILTON and JANE ALLEN of Kilskeery, Co Tyrone, as 25, a farm servant / never in service, native place Kilskeery, Tyrone, CoE and able to both read and write, “an uncle James Harrington living in Wollongong”. Elizabeth married John Beatty [from Magheracross, Fermanagh] in a Wesleyan Methodist ceremony in 1855 at Wollongong; William's marriage to Margaret Ramsey was recorded in the Church of England registers at Jamberoo, Kiama, Shoalhaven, in 1855: John Beatty and Margaret Ramsey were fellow passengers aboard the Matoaka.

James was living in Sydney at the time of his father's death in September 1872.

Perhaps it was James whose death aged 63 at Parramatta was registered in Central Cumberland district in 1884 [parents not listed in index].

2.1.4  Christopher Hetherington (1821…1897) m. Elizabeth Steward/Stewart (1827…1886)
[Lowtherstown, Tyrone –>Illawarra, Orange NSW]

Christopher Hetherington, son of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELEANOR HAMILTON of Fearney [Ferney] townland, baptised 3 August 1823 at Kilskeery CoI parish church or born at Irvinestown, Tyrone, on 27 May 1826 [103], emigrated aged 16 with his parents and his siblings aboard the Crescent, arriving in Sydney on 11 February 1840. Christopher married Elizabeth Steward/Stewart on 28 August 1843 in a Presbyterian ceremony at Wollongong. Elizabeth had been born 30 November 1827 in Ireland. They were the parents of (at least):

Elizabeth Hetherington née Stewart died aged 59 on 4 September 1886 at Emu Swamp and was buried in the CoE section of Orange Cemetery.

Christopher Hetherington died on 27 May 1897 at Orange and was buried in the CoE section of Orange Cemetery.  William Hetherington (1846…1924) m1. Emma Eliza Masling (…1883); m2. Mary Buckley (1850…1914)
[Orange, Parkes NSW]

William Hetherington, son of CHRISTOPHER HETHERINGTON and his wife ELIZABETH STEWARD / STEWART, was born 5 September 1846 at Emu Swamp‡, Orange. William married Emma E Masling at Orange on 7 February 1870, with issue apparently including:

The death of Emma E Hetherington, daughter of THOMAS and SUSAN, was registered at Carcoar in 1883. William subsequently married Mary Buckley in 1884 at Carcoar. Mary, born in 1850 on the Tuena goldfields, was a daughter of EDWIN BUCKLEY c1822-1904) and ELLEN RYAN (1831-1865). William and Mary had issue‡:

Mary Hetherington née Buckley died in 1914 at Parkes‡.William Hetherington died on 13 October 1924 at Parkes‡.

2.1.5 Elizabeth Hetherington (1826…1886/1906) m. Thomas Higgins (1819… 1866)
[Kilskeery Tyrone –> Wollongong, Bathurst NSW

Elizabeth Hetherington, daughter of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELEANOR HAMILTON of Ferney townland, was baptised 25 June 1826 at Derryvullan North [Irvinestown] CoI parish church, Tyrone. Elizabeth, 14, emigrated to NSW with her parents and siblings, arriving in Sydney aboard the Crescent on 11 February 1840, soon settling in the Wollongong region.

Elizabeth is said to have married Thomas Higgins at Bathurst in 1848; they were the parents of (at least):

As reported in Sydney's Empire of Saturday 18 August 1866 (p5), Thomas Higgins Snr., from the Donnybrook Inn, Bathurst, took his own life after attempting to murder his visiting brother-in-law Christopher Hetherington at Bathurst [near the corner of Piper and George streets] on 13 August 1866: Nev Higgins (2007) comments that Thomas's 'certificates' “show that he was born to Patrick & Catherine Higgins in Kings County (now Offaly) in 1819 and married Elizabeth Hetherington at Bathurst in 1848”.

Elizabeth is said to have died at Orange on 7 June 1906 [was this as reported in Australian Town and Country Journal on Wednesday 13 June 1906 (p9) - "Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins, one of the oldest residents of Orange, died at the age of 85, 40 years of which were lived in the district."] or 4 September 1886 at Emu Swamp and buried next day at Orange.

2.1.6  Mary Hetherington (1828…1908) m. David Paine (c1853…1910)
[Kilskeery Tyrone –> Wollongong, Lismore NSW]

Mary Hetherington, daughter of JOHN HETHERINGTON and his wife ELINOR HAMILTON of Fearney [Ferney] townland, was baptised 18 January 1828 at Kilskeery CoI parish church, Tyrone. Mary, 10, emigrated to NSW with her parents and siblings, arriving in Sydney aboard the Crescent on 11 February 1840, soon settling in the Wollongong region.

Mary married David Paine on 26 March 1844 at Jamberoo [entered in registers of CoE Camden, St John's, Oaks, Picton, Stonequarry]; they were the parents of (at least):

Mrs Mary Paine was living at West Dapto, Illawarra, when her father John Hetherington died at her residence on 2 September 1872, aged 85 years.

Mary and David moved to the Lismore district in 1879; David Paine and Christopher Hetherington [son of Mary's brother John] are mentioned in a 'report' in The Kiama Independent and Shoalhaven Advertiser on Thursday 28 October 1897 the extolling the virtues of that region to dwellers south on the Illawarra. Christopher Hetherington and David Paine are listed under Selectors and Pioneers in the transcribed Contents page of a publication From out of the Wilderness. The early days of ELTHAM and it's school [author and publisher unknown] on RootsWeb's Bellingen GenWeb Project Webpage [Cowlong is now known as Eltham].

The death of Mary Paine née Hetherington was registered at Lismore NSW in 1908, her parents noted as JOHN and ELLEN. The Northern Star on Friday 21 February 1908 (p3) announced: “FUNERAL of the Late MRS. MARY PAINE will leave her late residence, Laureldale to-day (Friday) at 10 o'clock, for North Lismore Cemetery.-T. RILEY, Undertaker.”

The Brisbane Courier on Saturday 15 May 1909 (p10) announced: “Two old residents of the district passed away during the week. Mr. David Paine, sen , died at Laureldale on April 30, aged 87. Deceased was a pioneer of the South Coast district, coming to the North Coast about 30 years ago. Mr. William John Porter, a resident of the district for many years, died in the Lismore Hospital on Friday, aged 70 years.” Lismore's Northern Star of Saturday 1 May 1909 (p10) had noted: "The Funeral of the late DAVID PAINE, Senr., will move from his late residence, Laureldale, THIS DAY (Saturday), May 1st, at 10 a.m., for the North Lismore Cemetery. THOS. RILEY, Undertaker."

2.1.7  Margaret Hetherington (1830…1912) m1. Timothy Maher (1814…1880); m2. George Bonner (1824…1898)
[Kilskeery Tyrone –> Wollongong, Bathurst, Orange NSW]

Margaret Hetherington's details based on David Bromwich's "Extended Bromwich Family tree April 2013" [accessed 29apr2013]
Margaret Hetherington, was baptised on 18 July 1830 at Derryvullan North CoI, Fermanagh, her parents noted as JOHN HETHERINGTON and [illegible] [ELINOR HAMILTON] of Firney [Ferney] townland, Kilskeery parish, Tyrone. Margaret, 10, emigrated to NSW with her parents and siblings, arriving in Sydney aboard the Crescent on 11 February 1840, soon settling in the Wollongong region.

Margaret [in BDM indexes as Margaret Hatrington] married Timothy Maher on 24 January 1848 in a Roman Catholic ceremony at “Bathurst, Kelso, St Michael's, Co. Bathurst”. Timothy had been born in Ireland circa 1814, the son of TIMOTHY MAHER and ANN KENNEDY. Timothy and Margaret were apparently the parents of:

It appears that Margaret was by George Bonnor the mother of:

The death of Timothy Maher, son of TIMOTHY and ANN, on 30 March 1880, was registered at Orange.

The marriage of Margaret Marr [Maher] née Hetherington and George T J Bonnor on 24 August 1881 in the Wesleyan church at Orange was registered at Orange in 1881.

The death of George Bonnor, son of ROBERT, was registered at Bathurst in 1898. The Queanbeyan Age of Saturday 16 July 1898 (p3) reported: “The death is announced from Bathurst of Mr. George Bonnor, a well-known colonist.” while the Wagga Wagga Advertiser of Saturday 16 July 1898 reported: “THE death is announced from Bathurst of Mr. George Bonnor, a well known colonist, aged 73 years. Deceased was born on Bathurst and resided in the district all his life.” These items fit well as Margaret's second husband.

Margaret Bonnor formerly Maher/Marr née Hetherington, died 30 May 1912 at Orange, aged 84. Orange's Leader of Saturday 1 June 1912 reporting: “MRS. BONNOR. We regret having to record the death of Mrs. Bonnor, an old and highly respected resident of the Bathurst district, at the age of 84 years, the sad event occurring at the residence of Mr. J. Mooney, Lord's Place, Orange, on Thursday night, after a short illness. The cause of demise was heart failure. On Wednesday the deceased lady had complained of feeling unwell, and medical aid was sought, and everything that medical skill could devise was done, but to no avail, the venerable lady passing hence late on Thursday night. Mrs. Bonnor was born in the north of Ireland, and with her parents came to New South Wales when quite a girl. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington, who predeceased her. Upon coming to this State the family first resided at Wollongong, but subsequently came to Bathurst, where they resided for a great number of years. Latterly Mrs. Bonnor had been residing with Mrs. Mooney, at whose residence she passed away, as above stated. The subject of our obituary was the last surviving child of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hetherington. Mr. William Marr, of East Orange, Mr. Timothy Marr, of Cargo, and Mrs. Mitchell, of Melbourne, are children of the deceased lady by a former marriage. Mrs. T. Bonnor, of Bathurst, and Mrs. Ireland, of Sydney, are also daughters. The funeral took place yesterday, the body being interred in the Methodist section of the Orange cemetery. The Rev. J. W. Collier officiated at the graveside. Mr. F. Ford had charge of the funeral arrangements.”

The death of a George Bonnor, son of WILLIAM and ELIZABETH, was registered at Bathurst in 1878. The death of a George J Bonnor, son of GEORGE and SARAH A, on 27 June 1912 at Bathurst, was registered at Orange.

2.2  James Hetherington (c1802…1884?) m. Mary Ann Ramsay (c1805?…c1880?)
[Kilskeery, Tyrone  ? –>]

James Hetherington, of Makeny [Makenny] townland, Parish of Kilskeery, Tyrone, perhaps a son of WILLIAM HETHERINGTON and his wife JANE GREY, married Mary Ann Ramsay, of Drumbow [Drumbo] townland, parish of Derryvollan [Derryvullan], by Licence, at at Derryvullan North CoI [Lowtherstown] church on 24 September 1824. James and Mary may have been the parents of (at least):

On 23 April 1854, in NSW, Elizabeth Black had paid £4.0.0 towards the cost of passage of each of Sarah Hetherington, aged 23, and Elizabeth Hetherington, aged 21, both servants from “MacKenny, Lowtherstown, Co Tyrone, Ireland”, their 'reference' being available from “Mr Robert Graham, Farmer, Lowtherstown”: the deposit paid for Sarah was refunded on 8 April 1861

A James Hetherington, aged 63, was buried at Magheracross CoI, Fermanagh, on 31 August 1868 [viz: born c1805]; a Mary Hetherington, aged 75, was buried at Magheracross CoI on 26 January 1880 [viz: born c1805].

Anything to add?
If you have any queries about this family, or information to add, please eMail
Ross Beattie (
here for further contact details]