[please contact Ross Beattie for further details of this vessel, or if you have any additional information or corrections]
This Page was Last Updated on 12th July 1999

Ship; 530t.; [?…1791+]
sometimes referred to as Albermarle

Selected voyage(s):

The 530 ton French-built ship Albermarle was part of the infamous Third Fleet which brought convicts to Port Jackson [Sydney, Australia]. The Albermarle had departed Plymouth on 27 March 1791and arrived in Port Jackson on 13 October 1791, after a passage lasting 200 days. Overcrowded, many deaths, 2 hangings, mutiny. Charles Whalan* from Middlesex, son of James Whalan and his wife Mabel Bordeaux.


Anything to add?
If you have any queries about this vessel, or information to add, please eMail
Ross Beattie
rossbtgenealogy@gmail.com )
here for further contact details]